Plenus Abroad encompasses a wide range of options and experiences that students can embark on.

Have a look!

To set up an appointment for further information contact Sara Lopez,

If you’d like to know more about our partnerships, feel free to click on the different locations highlighted on the Earth. 

AFS offers students the opportunity to study abroad or host a foreign exchange student.
Timeout Education provides excellent personalized attention and many options in Europe.

Mundo Joven is a well-known institution with great partnerships in Canada.

Open Metier focus on developing leadership skills, their programs take place in Argentina.

Through HACIA Democracy students will have the opportunity to visit a Latin American country and take part in debate conferences held by Harvard undergraduates.

Our partnership with International House and La Alianza Francesa will allow students to build their curriculums and apply for college and international programs.

Plenus Abroad Open Metier

Plenus Abroad Mundo Joven

Plenus Abroad Time Out

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